Bridal Studio

A luxurious and high quality bridal salon for underprivileged brides, “Anyone who makes a bride and groom happy, is considered... View Article

A luxurious and high quality bridal salon for underprivileged brides, “Anyone who makes a bride and groom happy, is considered as if he built a ruin from the ruins of Jerusalem”

There is nothing sadder than the tears of a bride who doesn’t know what she’ll be wearing on her wedding day.
There is nothing happier than a bride walking to her Chuppah with joy in her eyes and a beautiful dress.
The life of many brides has not been easy.
They come from families in distress, suffering from difficult economic situations, some are orphans, some grew up in various boarding schools and were in care of social workers, and some find it difficult to survive even the minimum everyday needs.
And then comes the moment that can be a positive turning point in their lives – a wedding.
The wonderful staff of the Bridal Studio takes care of the bride’s clothing needs: An elegant and flattering dress, shoes and even a bouquet of flowers.
The bride’s smile and her happiness as she leaves the studio on her way to build another Jewish home, is worth everything.

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