The largest and most unique center of its kind in Israel, Distribution of about 1500 customized consumption baskets every month, over 10,000 people receive assistance every month.
As part of the project the organization distributes and subsidizes every year thousands of high quality eyeglasses and eye examinations for needy families.
The largest and only market in Israel to assist families in distress, over 30,000 Kg of fruits and vegetables every month.
Financial assistance and inquiries center for difficult and complex social and economic cases, which handles thousands of inquiries each year.
Luxurious and high quality bridal salon for low-ability brides. Anyone who makes a bride and groom happy, is considered as if he built a ruin from the ruins of Jerusalem”
Clothing assistance project, The largest and most comprehensive project of its kind, distributing tens of thousands of clothing items to needy families.
A special project to help thousands of people in one of the most expensive areas of consumption, thousands of subsidized dental treatments for Disadvantaged families…